Publications: Book Chapters
How Food Secure Are South Africa’s Cities?
2019. In Knight, Jasper, Rogerson, Christian M. (Eds.) The Geography of South Africa: Contemporary Changes and New Directions. Springer International Publishing. This edited collection examines contemporary directions in geographical research on South Africa. It encompasses a cross section of selected themes of critical importance not only to the discipline of Geography in South Africa, but also…
Linking Urban Food Security, Urban Food Systems, Poverty, and Urbanisation
2018. In Jane Battersby and Vanessa Watson (eds.) Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities. London: Routledge. The majority of research on food security and food poverty conducted in Africa focuses its attention solely at the household scale. This chapter argues that this has led to a series of inappropriate policies and programmes that…
Governance of Food Systems in Epworth, Zimbabwe
2018. In Jane Battersby and Venessa Watson (Eds), Urban Food Governance and Poverty in African Cities, Routledge. Despite the increasing body of research on urban food systems in the Global South, there is very little work on how these systems are governed, their impact on food production, distribution and consumption, and in turn food (in)security…
Rural Bias and Urban Food Security
2018. In Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities (Battersby, J. & Watson, V., eds.). Earthscan/Routledge. Pp. 42-55. This chapter argues that there has been a pervasive rural bias and anti-urbanism in global, regional, and national responses to the challenge of urban household food insecurity. It presents an analysis of documents produced by…
Gender, Mobility and Precarity: The Experiences of Migrant Women in Cape Town, South Africa
2018. In Amrith, Megha and Sahraoui, Nina (eds). Gender, Work and Migration: Agency in Gendered Labour Settings. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Southern Africa is a region of extreme economic inequality within and between countries, as well as uneven national political contexts. In these conditions, various forms of cross-border mobility are an important part of individual and household livelihoods. Intra-regional…
Can Cities in the Global South be the Drivers of Sustainable Food Systems?
2018. In Burlingame, B. and Dernini, S. (eds.) Sustainable Diets: Linking Nutrition and Food Systems. CABI, pp. 79. Urbanization has been associated with significant transformations in our society, with paramount influence in agriculture and the world food industry, and subsequently in consumers’ diets. Arguably, the current food consumption trend is non-sustainable given the non-regenerative, and…
Introduction: Situating Knowledge and Action for an Urban Planet
2018. In T. Elmqvist, X. Bai, N. Frantzeskaki, C. Griffith, D. Maddox, T. McPhearson, S. Parnell, D. Roberts, P. Romero Lankao, and D. Simon (eds.), The Urban Planet, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Global urbanization promises better services, stronger economies, and more connections; it also carries risks and unforeseeable consequences. To deepen our understanding of this complex…
Placemaking in Dissonant Times
2018. In: Burdett, R. and Rode, P. (eds.) Understanding the urban age. London: Phaidon.
Reconstructing / Ricostruendo. Edgar Pieterse in conversation with Elena Motisi
2018. In: Njami, S., Motisi, E. and Corraini, E. (eds.) African Metropolis. An Imaginary City. Rome: MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Arts.
The Informal Economy in Cities of the Global South
2017. In Gautam Bhan, Smita Srinivas, Vanessa Watson (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Planning in the Global South. London: Routledge. This chapter argues the importance of understanding the informal economy from an urban and spatial planning perspective, as planning regulations and controls in many cities of the global South are a major factor constraining and…