- COVID-19 and the informalization of food vending in China by Taiyang Zhong and Steffanie Scott
- COVID-19 and the wet market revolution in China by Taiyang Zhong and Jonathan Crush
- Covid-19 and protection for women in the Indian informal sector by Shalini Sinha
- India: fighting coronavirus in an informal economy by Alyssa Ayres
- COVID-19 and informal work in Indonesia’s digital economy by Daniela Rodriguez
- The poor lose again: impact of Covid-19 on Africa by Jakkie Cilliers, Marius Oosthuizen, Stellah Kwasi, Kelly Alexander, TK Pooe, Kouassi Yeboua and Jonathan Moyer
- South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown regulations and anti‑informality bias by Jane Battersby
- How the COVID-19 pandemic will affect informal workers in Kenya by Njeri Kinyanju
- COVID-19 and the future of informal sector work by Louise Fox and Landry Signé
- The COVID-19 crisis: income support to informal workers by Laura Alfers, Rachel Moussié and Jenna Harvey
- Protecting informal economy workers in time of COVID-19 by Anders Gerdin and Alexandre Kolev
- For world’s street vendors, life may never be the same after COVID-19 by Pilar Balbuena and Caroline Skinner
- Containing COVID-19’s impact on informal women workers by Rachel Moussié and Silke Staab
- Contagion or starvation: informal workers during the COVID-19 pandemic by ILO
- Including the informal economy in policy responses to COVID-19 by Gemechu Ayana Aga, Filip Jolevski and Silvia Muzi
- Covid-19 spreads through Latin America’s markets by Dan Collyns, Joe Parkin Daniels, Dom Phillips and David Agren
- The impacts of COVID-19 on informal workers in South Asia by Hina Shaikh
- COVID-19 and a ‘new deal’ for Asia’s informal workers by Changyong Rhee and Era Dabla-Norris
- COVID-19 border policies, trade and economic pain by Antoine Bouët and David Laborde
- COVID-19 lockdowns threaten Africa’s vital informal urban food trade by Danielle Resnick
- COVID-19, tax breaks and the informal economy by Max Gallien and Vanessa van den Boogaard
- The failing of COVID-19 prevention measures in informal settlements by Paul Jones
- COVID-19 lockdowns and the global migration regime by Jonathan Crush
- Will COVID-19 keep out of Africa? by Jonathan Crush
- COVID–19 and the Global South by Jonathan Crush, Ann Fitz-Gerald, Hallelujah Lulie, Briony Jones, Anja Osei, Shirin Rai, and Rachel Robinson
- Lessons from China: Ensuring no one goes hungry during coronavirus lockdowns by Zhenzhong Si
- Is it fair to blame unsanitary wet market conditions in China for the coronavirus outbreak? by Zhenzhong Si
- Urban household food security and COVID-19 governance responses in South Africa by Mary Caesar
- Who wakes up and worries about food insecurity in the city? by Gareth Haysom
- Lockdowns’ effects are political: Restrictions on the poor always are by Graeme Young
- Haiti’s gendered internal food economy in the COVID-19 era by Jennifer Vansteenkiste and Widley Presendieu
- COVID-19, floods and locusts in Kenya by Elizabeth Onyango
- Tackling multiple disasters in an insecure world by Simon Dalby
- Pandemic geography: What happens where by Simon Dalby
- The New Security Agenda in the time of COVID19 by Simon Dalby
- Globalization, pandemics and shared insecurity by Simon Dalby
- Lessons from Wuhan? The politics of “intelligence failures” by Simon Dalby
- Pandemics, borders and crisis in a globalized world by Simon Dalby
- Hunger numbers: Millions need food by Greg Nicolson
- One COVID-19 lockdown for the rich, another for the poor by Jeff Rudin
- South Africa needs a recalibrated food system post-COVID by Stephen Greenberg
- Feeding poor people: The national government has failed South Africa by Jeremy Seekings
- COVID-19 lockdown in Zimbabwe: a disaster for farmers by Ian Scoones
- Mozambique’s response to COVID-19: Challenges and questions by Miguel Angel Jimenez and Egas Daniel
- Averting a COVID-19 disaster in Malawi and building back better by Steve Schmida and Emily Clayton
- Coronavirus risks worsening a food crisis in the Sahel and West Africa by Leena Koni Hoffman and Paul Melly
- Amid lockdown fears, COVID-19 threatens Ethiopia’s urban poor by Yared Tsegaye
- Beyond lockdown: Africa’s options for responding to COVID-19 by Ben Shepherd and Nina van der Mark
- Protecting food security in Africa during COVID-19 by Simeon Ehui
- Integrating urban and rural safety nets in Africa during the pandemic by Astrid Haas and Rachel Strohm
- COVID-19 provides a lesson for Africa to fund social assistance by Gift Dafuleya
- COVID-19 and the protection of food security in Africa by Gilbert F. Houngbo
- COVID-19 is exacerbating food shortages in Africa by Libby George
- COVID-19 underscores need to overhaul social policies across Africa by Nidhi Parekh
- A pandemic-driven food crisis in Africa can be prevented by Cedric Habiyaremye
- The COVID-19 food crisis in Africa and local farmers by Stephanie Campbell
- Food security versus disease risk: the conundrum by Hannah Itcovitz
- Why gender matters in COVID-19 responses by Agnes Quisumbing, Neha Kumar, Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Claudia Ringler
- COVID-19 and the myth of ‘First’ and ‘Third’ world competence by Steven Friedman
- Coronavirus: Another chance to transform the global food trade by Rhonda Ferguson
- A very broken food system by Jennifer Clapp
- Preventing a COVID-19 food crisis by Carmen Reinhart and Rob Subbaraman
- The COVID-19 crisis and the coming food and nutrition crash by Lawrence Haddad
- COVID-19 Food Price Monitor and warning signs of stress in local markets by Maule Hernandez, Soonho Kim, Brendan Rice and Rob Vos
- Economic pain and combating COVID-19 in the developing world by David Tschirley
- A pandemic of hunger by Esther Ngumbi
- COVID-19 is a health crisis and a looming food catastrophe by Wandile Sihlobo and Tinashe Kapuya
- COVID-19 is expected to be a key driver of acute food insecurity by Emanuela Barbiroglio
- COVID-19 amplifies dismantling of food security policies in Brazil by Stéphane Guéneau and Paulo Niederle
- Lessons from Brazil’s poor to fight the coronavirus by Marisa Von Bülow
- Covid-19, food security and emergency aid in Brazil by Stéphane Guéneau and Catia Grisa
- COVID-19, the Caribbean crisis by Diether W. Beuermann, Laura Giles Álvarez, Bridget Hoffmann and Diego Vera-Cossio
- Response to COVID-19 in urban slums and rural populations in Latin America by Arachu Castro
- Latin America and the Caribbean in the time of COVID-19 by Federico Bonaglia and Sebastian Nieto Parra
- Recovery, reactivation and resilience: Confronting COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean by Rossana Polastri
- Effects of COVID-19 on employment in Latin America and the Caribbean by Álvaro Altamirano Montoya, Oliver Azuara and Stephanie González Rubio
- Covid-19 exposes Latin America’s inequality by Linnea Sandin
- COVID-19 and Argentine agriculture by Juan Manuel Villulla
- The COVID-19 nutrition crisis: What to expect and how to protect by Derek Headey and Marie Ruel
- Why gender-sensitive social protection is critical to the COVID-19 response by Melissa Hidrobo, Neha Kumar, Tai Palermo, Amber Peterman and Shalini Roy
- Covid-19 and food security: India and its jobs crisis by Bruno Dorin
- Addressing COVID-19 impacts on agriculture, food security, and livelihoods in India by S. Mahendra Dev
- Covid-19 in Africa: Navigating short and long term strategies by Marlous van Waijenburg and Ewout Frankema
- One size fits all? Why lockdowns might not be Africa’s best bet by James Fairhead and Melissa Leach
- Migrant domestic workers: Their COVID-19 burdens by Margareth Sembiring
- Government COVID-19 guidelines gamble on the lives of migrant agricultural workers by C. Susana Caxaj, Amy Cohen, Carlos Colindres, Natalie Drolet, Jenna L. Hennebry and Janet McLaughlin
- Why xenophobia is bad for the health of all in South Africa by Jo Vearey
- South Africa’s gig drivers left alone at the wheel by Mohammad Amir Anwar
- Replicating global responses to COVID-19 may not work for Africa by Stellah Kwasi
- Cash and food – not more soldiers by Ruth Hall
- Poverty and food insecurity could grow dramatically as COVID-19 spreads by David Laborde, Will Martin and Rob Vos
- As aid groups scramble to contain COVID-19, malnutrition set to increase by Andrew Green
- Zimbabwe’s shattered economy poses a serious challenge to fighting COVID-19 by Tapiwa Chagonda
- Longer-term impacts of COVID-19 on global migration by Erol Yayboke
- A financial rather than a health crisis: Indian migrants in the Gulf by S. Irudaya Rajan and H. Arokkiaraj
- Coronavirus is the biggest disaster for developing nations in our lifetime by Ian Goldin
- Containing COVID19 impacts on Indian agriculture by Peter Carberry and Arabinda Kumar Padhee
- Coronavirus lockdown: As hunger grows, the fear of starvation is real by Kabir Agarwal
- Lockdowns threaten children’s nutrition: Why extra care is needed by Coretta Jonah, Julian May and Winnie Sambu
- South Africa’s one-sided lockdown: coercing the poor, coddling the rich? by Seán Muller
- COVID-19: Maintaining food security in Asia Pacific by Paul Teng
- Will COVID-19 cause another food crisis? by Johan Swinnen
- World needs to keep a close watch on agriculture while battling COVID-19 pandemic by Samarendu Mohanty
- COVID-19-measures, daily labourers and their nutrition by Michael Hauser
- Ensuring global food security in the time of COVID-19 by Cullen S. Hendrix
- Hidden hunger and the COVID-19 pandemic by Saskia Osendarp, Aynsley Morris and Reed Atkin
- COVID-19 lockdown: Prospects for labour mobility and employment by Gurpreet Singh
- World needs to keep a close watch on agriculture while battling COVID-19 pandemic by Samarendu Mohanty
- Strengthening city-region food systems during and beyond COVID-19 by Pay Dreschel
- Healthy diets for human resilience in the age of COVID-19 by Corinna Hawkes
- What does the COVID-19 lockdown mean for food security? by Gurpreet Singh
- COVID-19 responses in Africa must include migrants and refugees by Aimée-Noël Mbiyozo
- Wars kill people, fighting epidemics saves them by Steven Friedman
- Covid-19: Inequality and violence by Raymond Suttner
- Preventing global food crisis caused by COVID-19 by Felippa Ann Amanta
- The hidden cost of a pandemic by Niharika Yadav and Deepanshu Mohan
- Shaping Africa’s urban areas to withstand future pandemics by Astrid Haas
- South Africa’s response to COVID-19 worsens the plight of waste reclaimers by Melanie Samson
- How COVID-19 may disrupt food supply chains in developing countries by Thomas Reardon, Marc F. Bellemare and David Zilberman
- Coronavirus threat looms large for low-income cities by Eric Fèvre and Cecilia Tacoli
- Lessons from the AIDS epidemic on how COVID-19 may impact food and nutrition security by Stuart Gillespie and Alan Whiteside