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The Waterloo Region Record interviewed Prof. Jonathan Crush, Zhenzhong Si and Ning Dai about the new research grant researching COVID-19’s impacts on food security in China.

Zhenzhong Si has been interviewed by several media outlets on Chinese wet markets and wild animal trade.

Ning Dai was interviewed on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) program The Current about the importance of wet markets to food security in China, April 17, 2020.

Zhenzhong Si published a commentary on lessons learned from the COCID-19 pandemic in China in The Conversation. April 9, 2020.

Steffanie Scott published a commentary on sustainable agriculture in China in The Conversation. April 9, 2020. 

Jonathan Crush’s blog on Africa’s looming COVID-19 pandemic was reposted by the Jacobin and Africa Is A Country.