Publications: Hungry Cities Papers

HCP Discussion Paper No. 58: Wild Foods, the Nutrition Transition and Urban Food Security in Northern Namibia

Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence Kazembe and Jonathan Crush

Rapid urbanization and food system transformation in Africa have been accompanied by growing food insecurity, reduced dietary diversity and an epidemic of non-communicable disease. While the contribution of wild and indigenous foods (WIF) to the quality of rural household diets has been of longstanding attention, research on their consumption and role amongst urban households is…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 57: Pandemic Precarity and Food Insecurity in Urban Ghana During COVID-19

Elizabeth Opiyo Onyango, Bernard Owusu and Jonathan Crush

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban households in the Global South has not yet been adequately explored, despite an emerging consensus that impacts of the pandemic were more severe in urban than rural Africa. This paper addresses the knowledge gap by examining the relationship between pandemic precarity and food insecurity in Ghana’s urban…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 56: Towards a New Food Security Index for Urban Household Food Security

Cameron McCordic, Bruce Frayne, Naomi Sunu and Clare Williamson

The multidimensionality of food security can confound both statistical modelling and clear policy narratives. That complexity can become amplified in urban areas where food security is often a function of both local and global factors. Rather than focusing on one dimension of food security metrics, this investigation proposes a method for building an index of…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 55: Food Clusters, Food Security and the Urban Food System of Northern Namibia

Lawrence Kazembe, Jonathan Crush and Ndeyapo Nickanor

A central feature of the transformation of urban food systems in cities of the Global South is the growing presence of supermarkets and their supply chains, often termed supermarketization or a supermarket revolution. A key issue in the African context is whether supermarkets are a threat to other sources of food including informal sector vendors.…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 54: Affordable Food Shops and Urban Food Security in China

Taiyang Zhong, Jonathan Crush, Yaya Song, Zhenzhong Si, Steffanie Scott and Yuxin Peng

Food subsidies have been widely implemented as part of government policies to mitigate food insecurity among the urban poor. The effectiveness of supply and demand-side subsidies have been a source of debate in the literature. One form of supply-side subsidy designed to make food more affordable to low-income consumers is to offer subsidies to retail…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 53: Changing Priorities in Urban Food Security Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

Bruce Frayne, Truzaar Dordi, Cameron McCordic, Naomi Sunu and Clare Williamson

The study of urban food security has evolved dramatically over the past few decades. This evolution has been punctuated, and catalyzed, by insights into the dynamic transformation of food systems in cities across the Global South. The evolution of this field provides an important vantage point for understanding both the dynamic transformation of  urban food…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 52: Assessing Supermarket Patronage in Matola, Mozambique

Cameron McCordic, Bruce Frayne and Naomi Sunu

As an indicator of a broader nutrition transition, the supermarketization of urban food systems in the Global South has become a growing area of research interest. While the rising dominance of supermarkets in urban food systems has been noted in several primate cities in the Global South, there have been few investigations into the spatial…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 51: State-Led Localization of Food Provisioning and Food Security in Urban China

Taiyang Zhong, Steffanie Scott, Zhenzhong Si and Jonathan Crush

Food localization has been extensively studied and advocated in Western countries, focusing on its oppositional stance to food system globalization, long food supply chains and agribusiness, the disconnect between producers and consumers, and a desire to reconnect urban consumers with small farmers in the hinterland of cities. More recently, these localization models have been taken…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 50: Food Security and Poverty Reduction Programmes in a Cape Town Community: A Qualitative Study

Sarah Duncan

Despite increased engagement with public programmes, low-income urban South African communities continue to experience high levels of food insecurity. More needs to be known about why progress in poverty alleviation and food security has plateaued (Shisana et al 2013). This discussion paper is based on a qualitative study that investigated how food insecure female-headed households…

HCP Discussion Paper No. 49: Urban Food System Governance and Food Security in Namibia

Jonathan Crush, Ndeyapo Nickanor and Lawrence Kazembe

Namibia’s transition to an urban society is occurring extremely rapidly and with it has come a transformation of urban food systems, changes in diets and food consumption patterns, increased undernutrition and overnutrition, and the rapid growth of non-communicable diseases. This paper examines the policy response of the Namibian government to the nutrition transition and double…