Publications: Hungry Cities Reports

HCP Report No. 23: Inclusive Growth and the Informal Food Sector in Windhoek, Namibia

Ndeyapo Nickanor, Lawrence Kazembe, Jonathan Crush and Tobias Shinyemba

This report presents the results of the first comprehensive survey of the informal food sector in the Namibian capital of Windhoek. As such, it aims to shed light on the food system of the country’s largest urban centre. The informal food sector is critical to the food security of poor urban households in most rapidly…

HCP Report No. 22: Inclusive Growth and Informal Food Vending in Mexico City, Mexico

Salomón González Arellano and Guénola Capron

This report describes and analyzes the food system of Mexico City’s Metropolitan Zone, where small-scale street commerce has experienced huge growth in recent decades. The food retail, distribution, and preparation sectors are a major component of urban informality in the Global South. The informal food economy comprises a network of informal markets, suppliers, transporters, mobile…

HCP Report No. 21: Inclusive Growth and Informal Food Vending in Nairobi, Kenya

Samuel Owuor

This report presents and analyzes the findings of a city-wide informal food vendors survey conducted by the Hungry Cities Partnership in Nairobi, Kenya. The survey findings demonstrate that the informal food sector makes food more accessible and affordable in low-income areas and to food-insecure households in Nairobi. It is also a major source of employment…

HCP Report No. 20: Inclusive Growth and the Informal Food Sector in Bangalore, India

Kailas Shankar Honasoge, Keerthana Jagadeesh, Veneet J. Kalloor and Shriya Anand

The informal food sector is critical to the food security of poor urban households in rapidly growing towns and cities in the Global South. By working in an interdisciplinary context with mixed methodologies and across different cities, the Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP) aims to add considerably to our understanding of common elements and differences. The…

HCP Report No. 19: Inclusive Growth and the Informal Food Sector in Kingston, Jamaica

Robert Kinlocke and Elizabeth Thomas-Hope

The informal food sector is critical to the food security of poor urban households in most rapidly growing towns and cities in the Global South. In cities including Kingston, Jamaica, the informal food economy comprises a complex network of suppliers, transporters, hawkers, retailers, and street and market food vendors making food more accessible and affordable,…

HCP Report No. 18: Inclusive Growth and Informal Vending in Maputo’s Food Markets

Inês Raimundo, Jeremy Wagner, Jonathan Crush, Ezequiel Abrahamo and Cameron McCordic

The food markets in Maputo, Mozambique, play an integral role in the functioning of the urban food system and provide an abundant food source for the city’s residents. The Hungry Cities Partnership household food security survey found that over 90% of sampled households regularly shop for food at the markets and more than half do…

HCP Report No. 17: Inclusive Growth and Small-Scale Food Vending in Nanjing, China

Zhenzhong Si and Taiyang Zhong

In cities of the Global South, the informal food economy comprises a dense network of markets, suppliers, transporters, mobile traders, hawkers, retailers, and street food vendors making food more accessible and affordable to consumers. The informal food sector represents an “urban laboratory” for examining how inclusive growth strategies can have a positive impact in encouraging…

HCP Report No. 16: Inclusive Growth and the Informal Food Sector in Cape Town, South Africa

Godfrey Tawodzera and Jonathan Crush

The informal food sector – comprising retail, distribution, and preparation of food – is critical to the food security of poor urban households in rapidly growing towns and cities in the Global South. A dense and diverse network of informal markets, suppliers, transporters, mobile traders, hawkers, retailers, and street food vendors makes food more accessible…

HCP Report No. 15: The State of Household Food Security in Kingston, Jamaica

Robert Kinlocke, Elizabeth Thomas-Hope, Adonna Jardine-Comrie, Beth Timmers, Therese Ferguson and Cameron McCordic

This report presents the findings of a household food security survey in Kingston, Jamaica, and bases its analysis on emergent patterns related to various food security measures, spatial and temporal dimensions of food access, perceptions of supermarkets, practices of urban agriculture, and access to social grants. The sampled Kingston households represent a spatially and socially…

HCP Report No. 14: The State of Household Food Security in Bangalore, India

Jyothi Koduganti, Charrlotte Adelina, Mohanraju JS and Shriya Anand

This is the first large-scale survey of household food security in Bangalore and aims to provide researchers and policy-makers with detailed data and information about food security in Bangalore, as well as insights into the city’s food system. The survey found very low levels of food insecurity in Bangalore in terms of the availability and…