Workshops & Webinars

HCP-MiFOOD Webinar Series

MiFOOD is hosting a series of webinars on various topics about migration and food security that highlight the progress of the project. These webinars include conceptual discussion, empirical findings and policy analysis. Through these webinars, we intend to build a community with various stakeholders for knowledge sharing, deepen the understanding of the complex intersections between migration and food security, and facilitate the discussion of effective policy interventions. Follow our Twitter (Moving on Empty), Like our Facebook page to be notified about upcoming webinars.

Webinar No. 12:

Feminist Food Justice and Transnational Labour Migration in Nepal

Speaker: Dr. Hari KC, Toronto Metropolitan University

Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am (ET), July 4th, 2023

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 11:

Migration and Food Insecurity in Quito During the Covid-19 Pandemic


Drs. Cheryl Martens & Mercedes Eguiguren, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (ET), May 23rd, 2023

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 10:

Multiple Food Vulnerabilities of Indian International Students in Canadian Colleges in the Greater Toronto Area

Speaker: Dr. Sutama Ghosh, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (ET), Mar. 30th, 2023

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 9:

Book Launch: Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in Africa


  • Jonathan Crush, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada
  • Liam Riley, Program Officer, SSHRC, Canada
  • Daniel Tevera, University of Western Cape, South Africa
  • Alexander Legwegoh, London, Canada
  • Andrea M. Brown, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
  • Ndeyapo Nickanore, University of Namibia, Namibia

Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am (ET), Feb. 28th, 2023

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 8:

Urban Household Food Security and Its Relationship to Resource Access Disruptions under Covid-19

Speaker: Dr. Cameron McCordic, University of Waterloo, Canada

Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (ET), Jan. 24th, 2023

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 7:

Food Care Chains and Commensality in Pandemic Times: Migrant Domestic Workers’ Relational Food (In)security in Southeast Asia

Speaker: Dr. Chand Somaiah, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am (ET), Nov. 29th, 2022

Webinar No. 6:

Food Security at Emerging Urban Spaces in India

Speaker: Dr. S. Irudaya Rajan, International Institute of Migration and Development (IIMAD), India

Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am (ET), Oct. 26th, 2022

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 5:

The Digital Transformation of Food Security and Migration


  1. Dr. Sean Sithole, University of the Western Cape
  2. Dr. Ning Dai, Wilfrid Laurier University

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (ET), Sept. 27th, 2022

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 4:

Gendering the Global Compact for Migration After COVID

Speaker: Dr. Jenna Hennebry, Wilfrid Laurier University

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (ET), Jun. 28th, 2022

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 3:

Innovative Approaches to Migration and Food Security in Urbanizing Kenya


  1. Dr. Samuel Owuor, Dr. Cherie Enns
  2. Dr. Elizabeth Onyango
  3. Zack Ahmed, Jeremy Wagner

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (ET), May 17th, 2022

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 2:

Measuring Food Security in the Time of COVID-19

Speaker: Dr. Marie Ruel, IFPRI

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (ET), April 14th, 2022

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Webinar No. 1:

“The Crisis Within”: Poverty and Food Insecurity Among Zimbabwean Migrants in South Africa in the Age of COVID-19

Speaker: Dr. Godfrey Tawodzera, University of Namibia

Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am (ET), March 31st, 2022

Watch the recording of the webinar here.


International Migration Conference: “Food (In)Security and Migrants on the Move”

October 27-28, 2022

Pace: Online

The International Institute of Migration and Development (IIMAD) and the MiFOOD Network of the Hungry Cities Partnership (HCP) in partnership with the Balsillie School of International Affairs and the International Migration Research Centre (IMRC) jointly host an International Migration Conference to discuss the highly topical issue of the relationship between food insecurity and international and internal migration. The program addresses four main themes: (a) food security precarity of mobile populations during COVID-19 in Asia and Africa; (b) the food security challenges confronting forced migrants (asylum-seekers and refugees) in the Global South; (c) the migrant food environment in cities of the South; and (d) rural-urban linkages and food security in China and Africa.  The Conference features presentations and case studies from a wide variety of locales by leading international scholars and experts on migration and food security.  The Conference also features Professor Daniel Tevera of the University of the Western Cape, South Africa and Professor Kavita Datta of the Queen Mary University of London.

Workshop on Migration and Food Security in Global South in Nanjing

October 6, 2022

Place: Hanyuan Hotel, Nanjing, China

MiFOOD team members in Nanjing, China held the workshop to discuss the role of migrants in urban food security, food security of migrants in Nanjing City, the sampling strategy for food security of migrants in Nanjing, how to investigate the food security of left-behind families and the survey strategy of migrants in sectors such as manufacturing, construction and the food sector in the city.

Stakeholder Workshop of MiFOOD Project in Maputo

September 29, 2022

Place: Maputo, Mozambique

The objectives of the workshop were to give an overview of the previous collaborative projects: HCP, AFSUN, and SAMP; Introduce the project to stakeholders; Discuss research questions of the interest of the local Municipal Government; Find strategies to include in Migration Policy and  Migration and Food Security the real concerns of the municipality; and Assess the extent to which research could partner with authorities in the process of production of knowledge in the context of migration and food.

Breakfast Workshop with Representatives of Migrant Shelters

September 4, 2022, 9-12am

Place: Casa Galván, UAM, Mexico City, Mexico

The objective of the workshop was to present our research project to representatives of the main migrant shelters in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico and surrounding areas (Metepec, capital of the State of Mexico) and to investigate the problem of food in their shelters.